Friday, May 1, 2015

Before Setting Goals

Have you ever watched a movie like "Rocky" or "Karate Kid" and felt the urge to overpower whatever pillow, punching bag, push-up goal or whatever was in front of you?  Recently, I started reading "Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?", by Seth Godin.  This book is already (only ~20% into it) challenging me to consider my approach to work and, in turn, other areas of my life.

There is a concern that is sneaking in right now, however.  The concern is that I'll lose this desire to overpower.  In my case this desire to overpower isn't directing itself on a some other person or some injustice.  I need to overpower my limited thinking.  I need to overpower this idea that I'd better not invest too much of myself only to find I've fallen short of the goal.

Why do I struggle with these fears?  I've proven the reality exists.  I cannot count the number of times I have quit projects, stopped short of goals, left books unread and fallen short of whatever expectation I have had.  There seems to be this rubber band keeping me reaching my goals.

Tonight, I choose to remember the times I have achieved my goals.  The biggest successes have come at times when others were around to ask the questions.  Others walked beside me to reach the goals.  They encouraged.  They applauded.  They carried.

Tonight, even if no one else reads this, I am writing knowing that there remains the possibility that someone by ask the question.  Someone might see this and be encouraged to write down their own goals.  If you are that someone, be encouraged.  Encourage.  Ask the questions.  Tomorrow, I hope to gain momentum.  Towards what?  I don't know yet, but I know there is more.

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